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The Passover / Easter Connection

In this Yachad BeYeshua webinar we depart from our series on great figures in the modern history of Jewish disciples of Yeshua. It focuses instead upon the holidays in which the Jewish people remember the Exodus from Egypt, and the disciples of Jesus honor his death and resurrection.

For the first followers of Yeshua, these redemptive events were celebrated together. How did these holidays grow apart? How should Jewish disciples of Yeshua today, from diverse communities and traditions, approach this season? How can gentile disciples of Jesus best honor the Jewish people and its tradition during this time?

This public webinar is led by members of the Theological Commission of Yachad BeYeshua. The Moderator of Yachad BeYeshua, Mark Kinzer, presents a short historical introduction that chronicles the troubled relationship between these two holidays. We then hear from three members of Yachad BeYeshua who share what they have learned about celebrating the death and resurrection of Israel’s Messiah, while also rejoicing with the Jewish people in Israel’s past and future redemption.

March 9

Paul Philip Levertoff — Jewish Scholar, Anglican Priest, Chasidic Mystic

June 20

2022 Conference Kadima BeYachad: Forward Together